FAQs: Getting to Know Celebrate The Day
Delivering smiles since 2002
We offer you a variety of helium-filled balloons, air-filled balloons and balloon decor, balloon sculptures, edible gifts and singing telegrams. We have a full inventory of foil balloon shapes and sizes, solid and print latex balloons from 5" to 36".
We strive to provide each customer with personal service. All of our products & services are hand delivered in Middle Tennessee including Brentwood, Franklin and Nashville 7 days a week.
We are proud of the little details included in our balloon bouquets. May have additional Curling Ribbon, Party Tassels, Twisty Balloons, Small Balloons at Base.
Same Day delivery may be available, pending our current schedule. Fee applies.
Our promise to you
We strive to build a relationship with you that focus on serving repeat and loyal customers with consistent quality service and value.
Please take a moment to look at our policy page. This will save you time in getting answers to your questions. If we miss your phone call, please leave a voicemail or send a text with details of your inquiry. We want to help you celebrate!
Why choose Celebrate the Day
You can shop our online store 24 hours a day, everyday of the week. We have fully secure online ordering, which means your private information will always be private.
Our goal is to offer products and services most brick and mortar shops do not offer. We are committed to providing you with top quality products and excellent customer service through the entire process.
For over 17 years, we have helped clients with occasions ranging from weddings, private parties, corporate events, conventions, promotional campaigns, fundraisers and much more.
If you are searching for unique and creative ideas for your next event, bash or party, We'd love to hear from you!
Make it a great day, Celebrate!
Cindy Bryant
Owner of Celebrate The Day